Thursday, August 6, 2009


It's what gets me through the day. I really do not know what life would be like without music. It's those days where your completely bored out of your mind, where music comes in handy. It makes you want to jump up and down, laugh, cry, and its always there for you. Now, I'm the type of person who likes music lyrics to actually mean something. There has to be a story line, or a point for it to really connect. I get by with a really cool beat, but lyrics are key to a song. Which brings me to an inspirational singer, that has become one of my favorites. Marie Digby is someone I wish I could be like. She has so much talent in singing. She sings so well live and in a recording studio, and most singers in my opinion aren't very good when they perform live. But she is amazing. She loves music so much, and sings her heart out in every song. I would so like to meet her one day to express my feelings about her and her music. She has inspired me to start playing piano again, on my free time. If I could I would thank her, for helping me start back up again and not to give it up like I did a couple years ago. I'm also glad one of my best friends told me about her which was the beginning of my obsession of her songs. Marie's lyrics are amazing and her voice is pure and hopefully sometime in my life i'll be able to see her perform. She is definetly a person who has inspired me with her words and her music, and hopefully a lot of people can recognize that.

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